Your ophthalmology practice in Basel with Dr. Matthias Neudeck
We offer you the highest professional skill, first-class facilities and the best public transport connections – but above all we provide a listening ear for your concerns. We take time for you, because it is important to us that you feel in good hands and that you really understand your own eye health. This means you can decide independently what is the best path for you personally. We will provide you with trustworthy, competent support on this journey.

Specialist in ophthalmology FEBO
Psychosomatics qualification certificate
Specialisation in dry eyes
Dr. med.
Matthias Neudeck
With many years of experience behind him, Dr. Neudeck provides care and support for all aspects of your eyes' health. After 11 years as head of the Birsigstrasse ophthalmology practice, he took over the practice in Clarastrasse from Dr. Mirijana Felice on 1 May 2022.
Training at the University Hospitals in Munich (D) and Basel (CH)
2008 to present: Clinical practice in various Swiss eye care centres (Olten, Zurich, Baselland)
2011-2022: Head of practice at Birsigstrasse ophthalmology practice
2011-2022: Senior doctor at Vista Clinic
Since 2018: Clinical practice at Gartenstadt Münchenstein eye care practice; consultations here are still on offer
German Ophthalmological Society (DOG)
Swiss Ophthalmological Society (SOG)
Swiss Academy of Psychosomatic and Psychosocial Medicine (SAPPM)
Book an appointment online
Dr. Neudeck and his team will give you a warm welcome at Clarastrasse 2.
Everything we do is designed to provide competent, reliable care as soon as possible. Don't hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to seeing you!
Contact details & opening hours
Dr. med. Matthias Neudeck
Clarastrasse 2
4058 Basel
+41 61 683 38 80
Can be contacted by telephone
Mon - Fri
9 am - 12 pm
1:30 pm. - 5 pm
Closed on Fridays